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Marino Romanelli is a photographer and filmmaker, creator of content, with experience in many areas such as print media and communication in general. He has worked in various sectors, both for professionals, individuals and companies that nowadays greatly need image creation for the development of catalogues, advertising campaigns, editorial photography, exhibition, corporate and commercial image, photographic books, multimedia content, product portfolios and more. with special interest in the commercial and advertising work which he calls "fascinating", and that he enjoys from the creation of the concept to the smallest details of the production.

As a lover of philanthropy, he doesn't stop at just appreciating it, because Marino has developed image work for various organisations in various places around the world, such as Operation Smile, in days of children's surgery in Venezuela, to advertising work for the "Federazione Italiana di solidarietà Massonica" among other projects supported by the "Grande Oriente d'Italia".

Polyglot by nature, Marino enjoys the multi-cultural spaces, where he shows himself as a great negotiator and using in favor the resources that each culture makes to disposition.

“Everything has many points of view, the thing is to find the one that helps us for what we want to represent”

Marino Romanelli

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